Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Problem with Canadians

When was the last time you put a dollar into the jar that promised to send a Chinese or Malaysian girl to school? Or the last time you read about the starving children in Africa? It probably wasn't that long ago. Now when was the last time you read about a Canadian Aboriginal issue or gave money to fund Canadian organizations that directly help Aboriginals? It probably didn't happen or if it did it was rare. I am still trying to understand why Westerners think that helping people overseas is more worthy and worthwhile than helping people in our own neighborhoods. Is it more glamorous? Do they think that the situation in Canada is not 'bad' enough to help?
What people fail to realize is how 'bad' the situation actually is. Hopefully in reading my blog you get the smallest idea of the terrible reality in Canada's reserves and the issues Aboriginals face everyday. Imagine being judged during a job interview because of your race or getting less funding because of where your school is or having lower expectations put on you because of the oppressed history of your people. This is what they face every day. If that is not 'bad' enough for people to take notice then think about all the systemic racism they face in the prisons. They are denied parole and access to programs. Of think about the land that is being destroyed by tar sands, pipelines, and over-exploitation. People in Fort McMurray are getting cancer because of the fumes and toxic water. This is bad. This is very bad.
Wordle: what will it take?
Wordle by Me
What will it take for Canadians to notice? It is a scary thought. Do not wait for a catastrophe to help.


  1. Hi, I appreciate your thoughts of helping Aboriginals to all the injustice done to them but I would strongly disagree stopping aid to those overseas I just think that those in need are still in need no matter if they live across the street or the sea.

  2. Hi Dorina,
    I have to say that I, in no way whatsoever, think that we should stop helping organizations overseas. I just feel that our focus should be on local issues since they are the ones that affect Canadians and they are the ones that are regularly overlooked. It's true that the need is the same no matter where they live but as a country we can only improve other societies' issues when we ourselves are healthy. Imagine a doctor who was dying from a treatable disease that he, himself, could cure. Instead of healing himself and then going out into the world to help others he did it backwards. He, of course, would eventually die, and more people would die as well since he did not have the chance to help them. I just think that we should be a strong nation, with all of its members taken care of, before helping others, or, at least doing both at the same time. This isn't happening unfortunately.

  3. Hey esther, I liked the perspective you offered readers at the start of your blog. It is true that we often overlook the issues that surround us every day. Seeing as Canada is a developed country I think we should continue helping those less fortunate, however, I agree that in order to do so we need to reach out to the less fortunate in our country. We need to be a strong and equal nation as a whole, before we can give away to much of our strength. Thanks for the post !

    1. Thank you for your comment, Anne. I am glad you agree with my perspective as many other people do not see it in this way.
